to Sara
"Verde que te quiero verde"
The green fades away –
washed out at the start
of this new doom day
Verde Verdejante:
someone's childhood song
fades away in the hidden
memory of old secret songs
– the sound of an empty room
Beyond this limited space,
a question to answer
beyond the limit
of what is known – limited
by what is: no one answer
Wooden floorboard sound
signals the house is awake
[big steps, tiny steps]
– Something is about to happen...
[tiny cries, big cries]
Catastrophic thinking wired
in the human brain
Imagine new questions
can build new realities:
a kind and delightful world
– outside the human head
Verde Verdejante: I paint
in green, multiple colours
in this corner of the world...
– Have these words any weight
in a world with too many words?
Verde Verdejante: words
from a childhood song
fresh in the child's memory
fresh as new Spring leaves
– painting the world green
"Verde que te quiero verde"
Early in the morning,
the freshness of new words
in English – in Spanish
bringing worlds together
[cultural constructions]
The air: to breathe in
The sea: to deep in
Questions as foundation
to build this world upon